If you are wondering what is the weather today Bristol, you have come to the right place. The Sun will rise at 7:16 am and will be mostly sunny with a 40 percent chance of rain. The temperatures will be around 25 degrees Celsius. You can also see the forecast for the next seven days by clicking on the Hour by Hour link below.
Sun rises at 7:16 am
The sunrise and sunset times for Bristol are shown below. You can also find them for other cities and locations in the United Kingdom. In Bristol, the Sun rises at 7:16 AM today and sets at 6:59 PM. Throughout the year, the sun rises and sets at nearly the same time. However, the days will become shorter in the middle of the year when daylight saving time is observed in the city.
The average hourly wind speed in Bristol is 3.9 miles per hour. The windiest days are February 26 and August 8. The calmest days are August 8 and September 15. The direction of the hourly wind in Bristol is mainly east. The proportion of east-wind-driven air is highest on September 15, when the average wind is at 44%.

Mostly sunny with a 40 percent chance of rain
Today is mostly sunny with a 40 percent chance of rain in Bristol. The high will be near 37 degrees. Overnight lows will be in the low 30s. Sunday and Monday will be mostly cloudy. The high on Sunday will be around 36 and Monday will be in the upper 40s.
The temperatures in Bristol are expected to be at least 25 degrees today, with lows in the mid to upper-40s. Throughout the night, the temperatures will be cool and comfortable. You can check out the hourly forecast at the bottom of the page.
Temperatures reach 25 deg C
Temperatures in Bristol will reach over 25 deg C on Friday. That’s equivalent to 82-84deg F. Temperatures in London may also reach the mid-30s. Apparently, hot air is coming from France and Spain. Bristol could even be hotter than Hawaii!

The city has moderately pronounced winds. The windiest month is January and the calmest month is June. The average hourly wind speed in Bristol is around 10.1 miles per hour. The predominant wind direction is west. There’s also a high chance of fog, but it is not common.
Bristol has two meteorological stations nearby. Each station has enough records to contribute to a temperature estimate at Bristol. Records from each station are corrected for elevation and for differences in the MERRA-2 satellite-era reanalysis between Bristol and the reference station. The resulting estimate is the average of the individual contributions of the stations.
The temperatures are set to rise gradually this week. Monday will be partly cloudy with a few spells of sunshine. Tuesday will see sunshine in the early morning and cloudy spells in the evening. In the sunshine, temperatures will reach 21deg C or even more. The first proper lush day will be Wednesday. It will be overcast with some patches of sunshine. Thursday will be a little warmer, but still overcast.

The best time to visit Bristol is during the summer months, when temperatures are comfortable. The city’s average high and low temperature fluctuate throughout the year. During the winter, temperatures rarely reach 80degF. For tourists, the warmest months are late June and early September. The warm season in Bristol lasts for about three months, with an average temperature of 65 degF on a daily basis.
The wettest months in Bristol are November and December. In these months, there is a greater than 30 percent chance of precipitation. On average, Bristol receives 2.5 inches of rainfall in November and just 0.3 inches in April. The wettest month is December, with 10.6 days of rainfall on average.
Temperatures are expected to increase over the next week. The temperatures will be hottest in southern and central England. The Met Office has issued a Red/Extreme Heat Warning for central and southern England. Temperatures could reach as high as 40 degrees Celsius on July 14 at 6pm.